
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Staging a Master Bedroom

I have been missing for a while. Life has been crazy. My husband has been in the hospital again. This time it was a hernia surgery turned into an emergency surgery. He is home healing. 
Needless-to-say that has kept me from doing much needed things!

One thing I did manage to do with all the craziness is take a home staging course!
I felt like it would enhance the design and redesign services offered at Dreamingincolor.

At the end of the course we staged a home going on the market for sale. This was one of the bedrooms I staged. 

Staging The Master Bedroom

 The before picture shows a less eye appealing room too cluttered for showing a home for sale. 

Staging the Master Bedroom is very important. The goal was to make this comfortable and relaxing. Something that when you look at it you can imagine yourself kicked back reading a book.

One of the things I learned is the staging needs to be non-taste specific but on-trend.
Kristie Barnett, The Decorologist, taught the course to people all over the US. It was very informative and I totally enjoyed the experience.
I am thrilled to be an Expert Psychological Stager. (I passed!)

Using most of what the owner had in their home to stage with, I think the bedroom totally changed.

The after bedroom is lighter and brighter. The colors are eye appealing and symmetrical. That is the hardest thing for me as an artist, I am not very symmetrical. I do agree on how it makes the space work. What great pictures to have in your home listing!

I think I am going to like this new service I am offering. It is a lot of work. I think it is beneficial when selling a home though, especially if you want it to sell fast.

Thanks Kristi for the pictures!

What do you think?

I used my logo for the store and created my card for services offered. It is just like my sign but changed what is in the box so that I can have two separate things.

I love how everything always changes in my store. All the creative artisans, products and now services.

Thanks for letting me share!

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1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate each of you taking the time to leave me your thoughts. I always answer questions too, so if you have any please leave it here. Thanks for visiting. Would love for you to follow me on this process!