
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chalkboard Labels

With Haven going on right now in Atlanta I thought this post would be appropriate to publish.

One of the special things they do at Haven is give out swag and prizes. If you read my post last year would would have see there were quite a few. I went home with tools, paint and these wine bottles.

Wine Bottles?..... you ask

They were a centerpiece design from Krylon's cocktail party.

To be honest I almost gave them away since I would be traveling back and didn't think I had enough room for them. I had an idea though.

You know that is dangerous!

I had some cute labels hanging around my office.

I like these labels just the way they are but I had some Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan Graphite hanging around and decided to paint the paper.

It is a sickness....I paint everything!!

After I painted them and they dried I conditioned the labels with chalk, just like you would do to a chalkboard.

You don't have to be neat just make sure everything gets painted. When dry use your chalk to create your words for the label. Then peel right up!!

I added mine to the bottles to make them more interesting.

Now add some flowers or sticks to the bottles.
Quick easy craft! Have fun with it!

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  1. I love it are making over the swag!!! Can't wait to here what you come home with now!

  2. So pretty. I have a love for bottles and keep meaning to try the chalkboard paint.

  3. I like that Deneen.....and you know I have so many wine

  4. So neat !!! I support your Paintaholicness!! is that a word!!!

  5. I had no idea that you could paint the labels!...Love that idea!...Great meeting you at Haven Deneen!


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