
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Haven Conference {The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly}

Just got back from the Haven Conference in Atlanta. I spent 4 days at the Hyatt in Buckhead with some of the most creative talented women and (some men) that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am ready to buy next years ticket!

I met up with some friends I regularly talk to on Facebook. It was so great to finally meet them in person.
Kirby, Karen  and Lorraine.. she happened to be my roommate. 

Let's start from the beginning. Picture heavy!

The Good

I hit the road on time. I was so ready to get to Georgia as quick as I could to get started at my 2nd Haven conference. So happy when I seen the sign!

After checking in we headed out to Ballard's Outlet! Of course there had to be shopping!

We exchange gifts we brought for each other!

don't judge :)

The conference opened with Ana White giving a memorable heartfelt speech and the Haven team teaching us a new dance they made up "The DIY Shuffle".


There were several classes photography, 5 Essentials for you blog and how to get published in a magazines and more. 

Parties Galore!!!

Cocktails  yummy Margarita and hors d'oeuvres

We went to several cocktail parties but the most memorable of the night was hands down RYOBI!!
They hosted the evening on Friday at the Intercontinental Hotel in a ballroom. They had Oprah's chef cater the food. A pasta bar, carving station and dessert table were loaded with yummies! The bartenders supplied us with any drink we wished for. 

The famous Brian DJ'd the night and we all danced it away. The cute little Ryobi guys strutted their stuff on the dance floor with umbrellas to "It's Raining Men". There are no pictures because I literally stood there with my mouth opened.
I thought at first they were Chippendale dancers!
Then all the guys and girls learned the DIY shuffle! Throughout the night they handed out tools and yours truly came home with a handful! Oh what fun we all had!

Home Depot and Rustoleum had a party the same night as Ryobi

I came home with this beautiful arrangement made with Rustoleums Mirror spray! Funny I won these bottles last year!

Classes great food and Vendors!!

Ryobi, Home Depot, Moen, Lucy Inspired, and 3M to name a few

and this Jersey Guy! George Oliphant from George to the Rescue on NBC
We are like family now lol He is from my neck of the woods.

The Bad
Unfortunately I didn't get enough pictures of my friends!!! 

This one came out blurry and it probably would have been a good one of Karen and I. Our last one at SNAP wasn't very good because we were all sweaty from dancing! I guess we will shoot for next year!

I did manage a few Eleisa and Sara-my Snap roommate 

My sweet girl Dusty!

Also Bad....I could never learn how to roll my hips like my friend Kirby!

and never instagram a pic standing in a robe in a shower with a giant rubber duckie! It is just BAD!

The Ugly

I guess you can say it happened Saturday night when I went to bed. I had an allergic reaction to something. I think it was something they used to wash the towels. Anyway it wasn't pretty.

but it went away long enough to eat a 99 cent breakfast and go shopping at IKEA before I left for home 

and on the way home I got stuck on top of Mount Eagle Mountain for 21/2 hours in the hot sun with a car starting to overheat and sweat poring down my face 

It was ugly

but not as ugly as the swelling from whatever I was allergic to 

it came back!! UGH!! like a bad mug shot!

But I can't leave you with this UGLY picture in your mind!!

The conference was a blast!
There were a lot of great memories made.

And I came home with lots of goodies from the vendors

and made lasting friendships!

It's all Good!

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  1. Yay! It was so much fun to get together in person. (But why do I look pregnant? I guess I need some workout motivation from Karen!)

  2. ha! The pic of me cracks me up. It didn't come out half bad. You scored with swag my friend! It was so so so good to catch up with you! Hope we get to do it again soon!

  3. Oh bless your heart! I hope your allergic reaction has calmed down. I'm not sure anyone beat your haul of swag! Next year will be even better.

  4. Great post, Deneen! Well, except for your allergic reaction. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. It can't have been fun. Also, getting stuck in traffic. I thought the security line was bad at the airport! Your pictures came out good! I do wish I had taken more. It was great meeting you, too! : )

  5. wow that's a lot of loot and a lot of fun!

  6. It all looked amazing!!! Would love to one day to attend something similar!

  7. So Kirby's a hip swayer huh? I won't comment on the swollen photo other than to say HOPE TO GOD IT WENT AWAY. And last, I saw a photo on someone's blog with the whole Ryobi Nation, and noticed there were just as many women there from Ryobi as men. Funny though..... never saw the women in any Haven photos from anyone.

  8. great recap - so glad you had so much fun and to have seen you! Take care, Laura

  9. It was so nice meeting you! I have to say you brought home some major swag. Hope you're feeling better now!

  10. WOw Deneen - check out the loot - I can't believe it!
    And you, girlfriend, could NEVER look ugly

  11. Wonderful recap!! It was a wonderful time together!

  12. I think you might win the prize for the most loot! Your trip home doesn't sound like it was much fun. So glad we got to meet at Haven.

  13. You are adorable!!! Love your recap and so sorry about the swelling, ugh! You scored big time, girlfriend. It was fun to catch up and talk "paint"! Wish I'd taken my phone out for a pic. I never remember! xoxo

  14. Oh my goodness! What a fun time you had! Sorry about your reaction...looks like a mug shot for sure! Glad you had fun girl!

  15. I'm so sorry I didn't get to meet all of you, but it looks like you had a blast. Hope your allergies are gone now. Thanks for sharing all your photos.

  16. Deneen, What a great wrap up! That is the best picture EVER of the DIY shuffle.

    Glad you had so much fun at Haven. I'm ready to go again now!

  17. Hey Deneen, Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction – Hope you are feeling better now! & enjoyed sponsoring the event and hope to connect with you even more! Be sure to take a look at the photos from the event on Facebook, tag yourself & share with family/friends! :)

  18. OMGOSH! Looks so fun, but I am SO sorry you had an allergic reaction like that! I would go to the doctor and have them run a battery of allergy tests. :(


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