
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Grey and White Antique Dresser

Sometimes a piece of furniture comes along and in a blink it is gone! Like my blue and white dresser.
and….That is what happened with this one.


Although I had it for almost a year totally painted and ready to go, I simply forgot about it.

I know, crazy girl!

I mean I knew it was there but other pieces were bought and painted and sold while this lonely little thing sat in storage.

A grey and white antique dresser waiting patiently to be in someone's home!

grey and white dresser

It all started like this! So pretty and that wood….don’t get me started!

I just fell in love.

So last year I painted it a pretty grey and white and took it to the Barn Sale. Everyone loved it but the ones that wanted it didn't have a way to haul it.

So in the truck it went and to the storage unit it was stored. Until I went to Haven.

What does Haven have to do with it?

Well I knew I wouldn't have time to get a piece to the store, so I rummaged through the storage unit and found this pretty baby!

distressed legs

Sitting all alone….

Who knew?

Who knew that it would take one day…

Yes you heard me, one day to sell her.

dresser top

Could it be she felt neglected?

I feel bad.

All in all she was good to me.

And whoever has her now, has a beauty!

antique dresser

and I will think of her while I am in Italy drinking wine and spending the money I made from her!

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  1. Gorgeous piece...this is my favorite style of painted dresser. So girly and soft. What color gray is that? It looks like a warm gray on my monitor...beautiful!

  2. Beautiful piece, Deneen! I love the grey and white together.

  3. How lovely! And I love that you will be enjoying the proceeds in Italy!!

  4. Beautiful Deneen - my favorite colors!

  5. Pretty! Love the accents and that top drawer is really cool! I'm getting ready to do a coffee table in grey and white - what grey is that?

  6. Gray and white is so classic. It looks great!

  7. Stunning !!! I love it ! Go check out my blog first chalk paint project is finished and up on the blog!

  8. My favorite color combo! Isn't it weird how some pieces sell the same day you bring them in and other pieces...that you love....just sit? I wish I knew the magic formula.

  9. I love it! I love the details and how the top is different in size too! More money for Italy is a good thing!

  10. So pretty!! Thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!!


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