Reaching 400 followers is amazing to me! I am so glad that you like my blog! Thank you for all the sweet comments and features over the past few months!
I really look forward to all of you! Blogging is so much fun!
I try to keep things hopping around here with close to a post everyday. I love getting to know you! I always reply back unless you are set up as no-reply. (please check that)
Since getting my store, I have been busy trying to keep it stocked and moved around. The blog keeps me inspired and excited to do something new each day!
The giveaway was hard for me this time. I couldn't think of something because there are so many things to do.
I decided to do 2 giveaways this time! Yes I said two winners! AND a surprise! A $15 Gift card!!!!
The first is a beach inspired vase that I made.
The second is 6 grain sack looking placemats and a old wooden pestal.
I wanted to do two giveaways so you have a better chance at winning something.
I hope you like what I choose!
To win:
You must leave you entries on this page!
Contest ends a 12pm CST on Friday Aug 12th.
The winners will be announced on Saturday, Aug. 13th (2 weeks).
from today.
Leave me a comment letting me if you are a new follower or an old follower friend and what you would like to win! Must follow to win.
Today (July 30th) ONLY if you respond you get an extra entry
Post my button on your sidebar and tell about the giveaway
2 entries
Go to my Etsy store and join my circle by adding my shop
"like" something while you are there
3 entries
For each entry please leave a separate comment.
Good Luck! Remember there will be two winners!
Out of the two there will be a drawing for a gift card to Hobby Lobby! WOW!