Like many I will never forget the day the earth stood still....
It was the most horrific thing I ever experienced and knowing my friends and family were there, miles away from me, made me feel helpless.
I remember vividly everything that happened. Worrying about my children that were at school and wondering if I should hurry to go get them. My parents lived in Georgia and I got to speak to them for a brief minute to find them ok but worrying if that was the last time we would all speak to each other.
My sister called to tell me that she heard a plane hit the World Trade Center. First I was in disbelief and then I immediately thought we were being attacked because things like that just don't happen. I turned on the TV and saw one of the towers smoking. I called my grandmother in New Jersey that knew nothing about what happened and told her to keep in touch to let me know that everyone I hold dear to me was ok. I called my best friend who just got out of the shower and heard someone had a heart attack in a small plane and hit one of the towers. It was weird that they lived in New Jersey and I was the one calling them letting them know what was going on.
I was so scared.....not knowing....
As Good Morning America was reporting another plane entered the viewing field and I screamed," Oh my God it is going to hit the other building! We are being attacked!"
My husband said, "Deneen, the building is going to collapse. It cannot withstand that intense heat." I said. "God forbid!" and then it came down. I cried for so long...
I was watching all this as I had my best friend on the phone and then the line went dead....
I couldn't breathe....
The images haunt me as I remember that day. The day I watched a man jump to the ground from one of the floors of the burning building thinking that was his only jump hundreds of floors ....the ashes of souls scattered across the ground....the tears of millions!
It was also a time when I saw America hold hands and pray with one another. The churches were filled with more than I have ever seen. People said I love you to strangers and we all held each other a little tighter.
I am sorry for the long post today. I sit here in tears mourning for the families as I write this. No one should ever have to endure a tragedy, especially like this.
I just want to say how grateful I am for the men in uniform that protect us and keep us safe! That means firemen and police too! I pray for the souls from that day and for the families that have to live without their loved ones. I thank God for my family and friends and I love all of you!
I will never forget!
I DO have to remember to tell people I love them more and not let one day go by without being thankful to God!
I am so glad I can be passionate about what I do and use the talents God gave me everyday. This blog has allowed me to do that more!
Thank you for reading and being there! Today and everyday hold each other close.
I love you all!
amazing post.
So very well put Deneen. I think most, if not all, of us who lived through that day remember exactly what we were doing - and the day seemed to last a lifetime. It has forever changed our reality and the core of who we are. Blessings & Hugs ~ Robin
I understand. It is a very difficult day for me also. My daughter was born on Sept. 11.
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