Are you ready to party? Are you ready to get down?
It is time for a Giveaway!
Here are the rules.......
Must leave a comment for each entry you would like to do. All comments to be on this page only to be eligible. The giveaway will run to May 4, 2011 12 midnight CST. You must contact me within 48 hours if announced winner! Sorry only contiguous US allowed to enter due to shipping costs. I do love all of you though!!!
Good Luck!
1 entry if you tell me what you like about my blog and what you would like to see
1 entry If you follow me
1 entry if you are a NEW follower...must follow to be eligible
2 entries if you share and post on Facebook (leave page)
2 entries if you recommend a friend (leave their name/blog)
3 entries if you post my button on your page (leave blog)
You have many chances to win. And what do you win you ask.......
Well are you excited? One lucky winner will win a sign!
I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and all your sweet comments.
If you can't wait to see if you win and want to get one you can click the buy it now button !
Price: $35ea $8.95 shipping in the Contiguous US
Price: $35ea $8.95 shipping in the Contiguous US

I am a follower.....
I follow
I'll take it!!! I love your think-outside-the-box ideas . . . not the same ol' same ol' crafts you see all over the place! Yours are definitely unique and very fun. Keep 'em coming!
Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
And I'm a follower!
Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
I am a new follower.
I love the paint projects on your blog, such as the outdoor chandelier. Love!!!
I posted on my FB, Ladeedacreations
I tweeted about it....@iladeedacraft
I will put your button on my blog on my page, Favorite Blogs. I love this sign. We have a game/movie room because we love movies as a family so this would be sooo perfect for the room.
Thanks for hosting a very cute giveaway!!!
I love all your creative ideas and positive attitude!
and I follow your blog!
I follow your blog.
I'm a follower!! Gladly!
I just love how you come up with the most amazing ideas! I just want to reside in your pocket to get first peeks! Love to check your blog every day!
Grabbed your button! Could have sworn I already had it.....I do now!
Facebooked ya!!
I'm a follower!
I like your profile!! "A little bit country a little bit rock and roll" is so perfect!
I follow!! So happy to see you back in action!!
Posting your button under my GIVEAWAYS side bar!!
I love your painting ideas, especially this ticket. I would love to see how you distressed it!
summerscraps at gmail dot com
I am a follower!
I facebooked about this giveaway :) Not sure how to post a link to it though.
I put your button on my blog. Here is my blog address
I LOVE your blog becuase you have so many neat ideas! I love seeing what others create and getting the inspiration and nerve to try it for myself :)
And I am a blog follower :)
And your button is residing on my blog sidebar
Hi sweet Deneen!!! You KNOW I'm gonna enter this amazing giveaway, RIGHT??? I love this ticket sign so much and know everyone else will too....please throw my name in the hat!!! hugs and love,
And of course....I am a follower as well!!!! xxoo, Dawn
I love the sign! so cool! You are very creative! wonderful blog! thanks for the chance to win! Allison
What fun - just popped over from Dawn's blog. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I'm a new follower! Anyone who does giveaways for awesome stuff like this is awesome in my book!
yayy 200! I follow :)
love this sign, great job. love to win it.
Big hugs from your newest follower!
Happy Easter!
I'm a new follower!
I'm loving this sign! I bet you could sell a million of them.....:).
Please enter me in this giveaway!
Oh, and I'm a new follower too!
What a delightful and fun sign! Best wishes........
I love seeing all your fun projects--they're just left of center, which I like.
I FBed about the giveaway!/permalink.php?story_fbid=143020042435472&id=1727058863
I really love your makeovers and your drawer idea, how clever!
I will post your giveaway on my sidebar.
I'm a follower!
Love the sign! I'm a new follower! Would love for you to stop by Lumpkin and Me.
I'm a new follower.Warm Blessings!~Amy
What I like about your blog? Well from what I've seen you are not a follower,you think outside the box and let your own creativity show.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Hi Deneen! What a great it.
I am a new follower, and found you thru Feathered Nest.
Will be back often to visit.
Smiles and Blessings,
I am a new follower!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I am a new follower and would love to win your sign.
I love all your quick easy/and not so easy projects that I see.
I posted on my facebook.!/
Katherine Schieber
I posted your button on my blog sidebar.
I like that you keep it real, and I'd love to see some fun party stuff!
I'm a follower!
Hello from your Newest follower! I just came over from Dawns...
OK Deneen...Really? LOL...I have to tell you what I like about your bloggie to have a chance to win? adorable Admit one sign idea was more than enough to make me "PEEP" thru older posts...and seeing your "grass" in the $$$$ store planter with the bunnies...made me DIG you even more...DIG...get it dig????
OK...and now I have to get out the modge-podge for your adorable egg and napkin project...what a great inexpensive project! NOTE: I did not say "CHEEP" what I think I love best about your bloggie is that you are as frugal as me...
Deneen I have posted your Give-Away on my blog...for some reason I can not get the pic to soon as I get this glue and napkin off my fingers I will try to get it to post on my side-bar too! And we may be on to something keyboard is beautifuly modge-podged...and mouse is prettier than your mouse...unless you type and glue too! Giggles!
Love the sign, I am a follower and enjoy seeing what you do.
I like your unique ideas and would like to see more DIY projects!
I am a follower.
moehend at yahoo dot com
I have your button on my blog.
moehend at yahoo dot com
I have your button on my blog. #2
moehend at
I have your button on my blog. #3
moehend at
I think i started following you just this I am a new follower!
moehend at yahoo dot com
I am a brand new follower. Found you on The Feathered Nest.
Well, I have been going back through to check out the ideas on your blog! WOW!!!!!! Great ideas! Off to try some!
I'm a new follower.
I'd love to win this sign! I tried to make one a few months ago, and it just didn't work out.
I put your giveaway on my sidebar.
Im a follower of your blog
I am a new follower.
I used to work carnivals so the ticket has a lot of meaning to me.
I like that you are frugal and get excited about free things.
I like that you introduced me to a new (to me) redo party.
I'm a new follower.
What I like about your blog as your unique makeovers.
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
I am a NEW follower!
thanks also for a chance to win!
I'm a brand spankin NEW FOLLOWER!
entry for following!
best about your blog - well just about VERY glad I found you....I LOVE that your projects are REAL and do-able!
First time at your blog.... LOVE IT!! My "new hobby" craft blog stalking!! I am not creative at all and love love seeing what I might be able to pull off with some blog instruction and time. Funny thing is I work for Klingspor's Woodworking Shop and I have lots of supplies just down the hall from my office..... ironic, huh? I am learning what some of that stuff is used for....!!
congrats on 200!!! thanks for sharing this at my party.
I like that you make easy projects that become an inspiration!!!
thanks for the opportunity to enter!!!
best regards,
I've being a follower for a while!!
best regards,
I am a follower - I love projects, and really like how you make a chalkboard out of a tray. I think I have a tray like that . . .
I posted your button in my blog sidebar
I put your button on my side bar.
thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize!
Congrats on getting to 200! I put your button on my side bar.
Wow! What DoN"T I like about your blog?! You have great stuff!!!
I am also now a follower!!! Stop by and say hi sometime!
I am a brand new follower!
new follower. so cute!! (:
I am a new follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I love this ticket sign!
I will post on my blog sidebar too.
I love all your quick projects; esp the lil' no bake chocolate Easter treats!
what fun crafts you have here... I think I'll have to stay awhile!!
Well Jersey girl, what I like about your blog is its' simplicity. I would like to see links to your art for sale and more photos of your pieces.
I'm a follower and look forward to getting to know you.
I'm a happily a new follower too.
2 entries if you share and post on Facebook (leave page)
I posted to my blog, which will automatically publish your giveaway to facebook.
3 entries if you post my button on your page (leave blog)
I've posted your button to my blog.
Thank you Denene:)
I love this!! just got a new sofa and am doing some redecorating. This would be perfect!!
I am a new follower too
I have your button on my side bar
that's 3 entries right : )
Love the title of your blog. I love lots of color everywhere!! can't wait to explore some more
Hi what a great blog..lots of good ideas, luv the one using the paint stirrers to make sections in the utensil drawer, might try that. I'm a new follower and i'm off to post yer giveaway on my blog.
New follower. Cool give-away. Good luck everyone. It's too bad only one can win.
Hello Deneen!
I'm a follower - and LOVE this wonderful giveaway sign. YIKES!! All kinds of cool! Robin
Me again - I am a NEW follower too (the newest to date!!) Robin
....An easier question would be what DON'T I like about your blog...Gee...I think what I like best is your incredible, wonderful, ENERGY!! You have amazing ideas and talent, and turn them into something spectacular. What I would like to see? MORE!!!
I have posted this to my blog....I'm not sure I "grabbed the button" thing right - only did that once before and don't know if it was right - but I did link back here to your blog. My blog is:
Thanks so much for this grand opportunity! Smiles & Hugs, Robin
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