When I was a little girl, my favorite thing to do at Easter was color eggs with my sister.
Even then I would try to create something unique by drawing with markers, my own design.
We would sit for hours thinking about how "cool" the next one would be.
Last week she said
I have an idea for decorating Easter eggs this year
and she handed me some directions to look at
these are going to be so "cool" to do! You should do them and put them on your blog
She was my inspiration for this creation
A more mature look than our scribbled designs of our youth
with patterns of whimsy and bursting colors
Funny.....we never cared about cracking them open and eating them.
....we never hid them to hunt later
....we did them to ewww and ahhhhh over
whether it was markers, food coloring, stickers or
mod podge in later years, we wanted to be in awe of what we created
we were proud of our little eggs
I was blessed to have my sister to make things with. Someone to understand me. No judging, no competing, just cheering each other on.
And then we built our Easter display for all to see
Aren't they so "cool" and colorful?
of course I will give you the tutorial.......

Savvy Southern Style
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