I have been working on this post for two days and blogger keeps messing me up by deleting my content! I guess I can use this as the most frustrating thing in 2011 lol!
I cannot believe this year is coming to a close. It was a year that began with a lot of ideas of things that I wanted to do. Never did I realize that this blog was going to direct my vision.
I just wanted to share some of the amazing moments this year.
My favorite furniture project was my Audrey Hepburn Dresser I got to combine my love of art with my painting furniture!
Your favorite furniture project was my french piano bench!
My favorite and most exciting thing was a redo with The Lettered Cottage for their HGTV Pilot shoot!
I met so many amazing bloggers this year and became very close to some that I have not even met!
Your all-time favorite project was my Utensil Drawer Organizer! It still cracks me up since it is made from paint sticks!
My favorite craft project was my Ticket Sign! It led to me opening up an Etsy Shop!
This is a Golden Ticket but the most popular is the original one in my Etsy Shop!
You favorite craft project was my Dessert Tray Chandelier!
Last but not least one of the most exciting things was getting to showcase all my furniture and artwork in a store! La Vie En Rose Cottage in Nashville Tennessee!
I couldn't have done any of these things without all of you so thank you so much! For more exciting posts stay a while and take the journey with me by following me into the next year!~
Hugs, Deneen
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