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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Star Wars New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is just around the corner! This year I was looking for kid friendly ideas for a fun party.
With all the excitement of the new Star Wars movie out, everywhere I look there is some sort of merchandise. This got me thinking. I know there is a little geek in all of us and what better way to celebrate the New Year than getting our "Dark Side" or "Light side" on!

I think this is something young and old will enjoy.

 The minute I walked in the store I saw Star Wars items. 
No, not for a New Year's party but that never stopped me before.
 I grabbed what I could and decided to make something fun!!

There were the cutest drink cups made like Darth Vader and Yoda. I could have left them alone but when I saw the metallic Star Wars jellybeans I decided to make noise makers by pulling out the straw and filling the cups. When you shake them you got your noise for midnight!! ( and you can eat them later )

There were Star Wars lollipops that I decorated with clock faces striking midnight. I downloaded free printables for this from the Graphics Fairy.

My favorite thing was making light sabers. I did two different kinds. One with a foam noodle type rod with sequins and the other with a mesh tube.

I decorated a cardboard tube with Rhinestone mesh ribbon. I cut the sequin tube in half and threaded in the tube turning the end up and stuffing back in the tube. I used silver and green.

I used the same technique with the glow sabers. I inserted a glow stick inside the tube mesh and glued the ends. When the clock strikes twelve everyone can "break" the stick and get it to glow!

The sequin ones looked more proportional but the tube mesh one was more fun. 

There were tin puzzles like Chewbacca and dice game tins of R2D2 to help with the waiting!

I even found a celestial blanket to turn into a tablecloth to make a really cool table setting for my sign and decorations. Even turned a vase over to make it look like a space ship.

I think I am ready for the Party!

As Yoda said, "Do or Do Not, There is No Try."

have fun!

Happy New Year and May the Force be with You!! 

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