First I would like to thank The Graphic Fairy for another feature of one of my projects! It always surprises me when someone does this. I feel so honored!
As I scrolled through reader I discovered this feature of my vintage cologne bottle. What a surprise! Thank you Karen!
Also going on right now is my 400th follower giveaway! A gift card and goodies! 2 winners will be chosen. Go check it out!
On to the "simple" little project of the day.
I got these old Simplicity patterns at GW. A couple for 99 cents.
Pulled out the sheets and placed them on the floor with the copy face down.
I had 6 layers and folded in half to make a small square.
I then began to fold back and forth in an accordion fold till it was all pleated. With a string tie the middle and leave some ends long to use as a hanger.
I made a cut to both sides to round it up. As you can see it doesn't have to be perfect. A point would work too!
Begin pulling tissue away separating each layer into a round poof.
Grab string and hang.
That's it! For .99 cents you have a great decoration! I love the vintage looking color to it!
You can make these in all different sizes. Mine was very thick. I probably would use less tissue next time for the smaller one but I love the way it looks.
I attached it to the ceiling in my little store!
Move over Martha! At .99 cents a piece I like mine a whole lot better than your pkg at over $20 for 6. Remember these can be spray painted any color too!
Smarty pants - I love your ideas!! I will have to keep my eye out for those old patterns, love the color too!
Congratulations on the feature at Graphics Fairy....Saw it right away and was so happy for you! Love your little pattern tissue poofs!! I've seen patterns used for wrappings, etc., but this is such a clever idea....Love....and some of my patterns are "tres vintage" if ya know what I mean! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
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